City Manager

Rob Houston was appointed on December 1, 2023, to serve as the City Manager for the City of South by the City Council.

The City Manager’s Office provides oversight and direction to all city programs to ensure that they meet the needs of the community and respond to City Council goals. The City Manager is the chief adviser to the City Council on policy issues of concern to the organization and keeps them advised of the city’s financial condition and the future needs of the city. The City Manager also serves as the Executive Director of the Successor Agency. The office oversees the Public Access Corporation, which controls programming and content on the City's government access channel (Spectrum Channel 3).

The City Manager’s Office is also responsible for overseeing the city’s Work Program, a listing of major projects and objectives throughout the year, and marketing material on behalf of the city - like the Year in Review, Top City Projects(PDF, 11MB), Budget in Brief and Legislative Platform Report(PDF, 23MB).


Staff Directory

Staff Name Title Email Phone
Houston, Rob City Manager Email (323) 563-9503
Estrada, Alicia Executive Assistant to the City Manager Email (323) 563-9503
Zaragoza, Dina Executive Assistant to the City Attorney Email (323) 563-9538
Hernandez, Giselle Marketing and Community Engagement Manager Email (323) 563-9502