Update- Rancho Los Amigos South Campus
This is to provide updates on the Rancho Los Amigos Campus, located on approximately 123 acres of County-owned land within the City of Downey. The South Campus is a 74-acre area between Imperial Highway and Gardendale.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020- UPDATE
LA County has completed its Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) for the Rancho Los Amigos South Campus Project. The Rancho Los Amigos Campus is located on approximately 123 acres of County-owned land within the City of Downey. The South Campus is a 74-acre area between Imperial Highway and Gardendale.
The County proposes to develop three new County administrative buildings (total of approximately 650,000 sf) in the 35-acre portion of the South Campus including the Internal Services Department (ISD) Headquarters, Probation Department Headquarters, and a County Office Building.
The Final EIR is attached and the entire Final EIR and appendixes can be accessed at: ftp://dpwftp.co.la.ca.us/pub/pmd/Rancho%20Los%20Amigos%20South%20Campus%20EIR/
The Final EIR will be presented to the Board of Supervisors for consideration for certification at a Board Meeting on June 23, 2020. Due to public health and safety requirements concerning the COVID-19 health crisis, the Board Meeting may be held virtually. Up-to-date information on how to participate in the Board Meeting can be found at https://bos.lacounty.gov/. The Board Letter, as well as supporting documents that will be made available 72 hours prior to the Board Meeting, can be accessed at the following location: http://bos.lacounty.gov/Board-Meeting
To make comments to be submitted into the public record, please contact Mr. Cliff Stokes, Project Manager, at (626) 300-3273 or at CStokes@dpw.lacounty.gov if you have any questions regarding this matter.
Update- Thursday, November 7, 2019
The City of South Gate will be hosting a community meeting regarding LA County`s Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Rancho Los Amigos South Campus project, in the City of Downey. The community meeting will be on Wednesday, November 13th, from 6:00pm-8:00pm, at SG City Hall. Attendees will have the opportunity to receive information on LA County`s plan to develop administrative offices at the Rancho Los Amigos South Campus.
Update- Thursday, October 10, 2019
The County of LA has completed the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) for the Proposed Rancho Los Amigos South Campus Project. The Rancho Los Amigos Campus is located on approximately 123 acres of County-owned land within the City of Downey. The South Campus is a 74-acre area between Imperial Highway and Gardendale.
The County proposes to develop three new County administrative buildings (total of approximately 65,000 sf) in the Development Area on the Project Site, including the Internal Services Department (ISD) Headquarters, Probation Department Headquarters, and a County Office Building.
Please click here(PDF, 2MB) for the Notice of Availability of the Draft EIR for the Project and click here(PDF, 2MB) for Spanish. For a copy of the Draft EIR please click the following link https://ceqanet.opr.ca.gov/2017081017/2/Attachment/mUWzVR. A public meeting will be held on October 28, 2019 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM at the Barbara J. Riley Community and Senior Center Auditorium 7850 Quill Drive Downey, CA 90242 to discuss the EIR. For a copy of the presentation on the proposed Rancho Los Amigos South Campus Project, please click here(PDF, 6MB). The deadline for public comments on the Draft EIR is November 22, 2019.
Update- Thursday, September 26, 2019
This is to inform you that on its Tuesday, September 24th meeting, the LA County Board of Supervisors approved an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement with Abode Communities and PATH Ventures for a potential housing development at the former American Legion site located at 11269 Garfield Avenue. The item was approved unanimously (5-0) and a copy of the report is attached (click here)(PDF, 100KB). An update will be provided once any new information is made available by the County.
For questions or concerns, please contact the Community Development Department at (323) 563-9535 or at dguevara@sogate.org.