Senate Bill 978


Commencing January 1, 2020, Senate Bill 978 requires law enforcement agencies to “conspicuously post on their Web sites” all “current standards, polices, practices, operating procedures, and education and training materials” that would otherwise be available to the public if a request was made pursuant to the California Public Records Act (PRA).

Below you will find links to documents in compliance with Senate Bill 978.


The South Gate Police Department's policy manual is a living document that is subject to constant change based on new laws, court decisions, City regulations, new methodologies and other factors that dictate the need for a continual review of these policies, initiating revisions where necessary and appropriate.

It is recognized that no set of policies and procedures, no matter how complete, can hope to address all the situations that may be encountered. When encountering such situations, this policy manual will serve as a guideline, and should be employed with sound reason, judgment and discretion.

The online version of this manual posted on the South Gate Police Department website will be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure any revisions/updates from the previous version are contained in the online version.

The sections included here represent policies that would otherwise be available to the public pursuant to a CPRA request (Gov. Code §6250 et seq.). Policy 408, 414, 416, 424, 464, 613, and 614 have been removed.

Click HERE(PDF, 2MB) for the Police manual policy.

Click HERE(PDF, 54KB) for the Military Equipment policy.

Click HERE(PDF, 175KB)  for 2022 Annual Military Equipment policy.

Click HERE(PDF, 668KB) for Jail Manual policy.