Garfield Avenue Complete Streets

Garfield Ave Complete Street - 7-8-24.jpg

Garfield Avenue is a corridor of regional significance serving local and regional motorists in route to commercial and residential neighborhoods, schools, local parks and bordering cities.  The corridor has a dated design that can be enhanced in a manner that considers the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists to improve community access. 

The Garfield Avenue Complete Street Improvement Project is being implemented to enhance pedestrian, bike and motorist safety, improve traffic circulation, address deferred maintenance issues and beautify the corridor.  It entails the installation of a Class I bike path, Class II bike lanes, and Class III bike routes, along with pedestrian improvements and sidewalks, construction of raised median islands, ADA curb ramps, curb and gutter, sidewalk, pedestrian crossing improvements, solar flashing Beacons and re-striping of traffic markings.

The construction on Garfield Avenue is now complete. All median islands, from Southern Avenue to Jefferson Avenue have been landscaped with trees and drought tolerant plants, traffic lanes and Bicycle lanes were also striped.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Elias Saikaly, P.E. at (323) 563-9581 or