I-710 Firestone Bridge Southbound On-Ramp


The City is collaborating with Caltrans to improve the I-710 Freeway/Firestone Boulevard Interchange to improve traffic flow and reduce traffic congestion.  Service levels are expected to increase from LOS D to LOS C, and delays are projected to be reduced by as much as 20 seconds per vehicle trip daily, by 2040.

The first phase of the project was completed and included widening of the Firestone Boulevard Bridge over the Los Angeles River on the south side of the street.  It also included installing a temporary 4th travel lane for dedicated access to the I-710 Freeway and leaving the south sidewalk closed temporarily.

The I-710/Firestone Southbound On-Ramp Modification Project (On ramp) is the second phase of the project.  It entails re-aligning and widening the I-710 Freeway/Firestone Boulevard Southbound on-ramp, to align to the newly widened Firestone Boulevard Bridge, at the Los Angeles River.  With the completion of the phase two project, a permanent 4th eastbound lane for dedicated access to the I-710 Freeway will replace the temporary lane and the south sidewalk will be opened.  Additional improvements include traffic signal timing adjustment, ADA ramps, crosswalks, and landscaping along the freeway embankment.

The southerly side of the Firestone Bridge is currently closed to foot traffic.

The Design phase of the project is about 100% complete.  Currently Caltrans is making its final review of the plans. It is anticipated that the final design phase will be approved by Caltrans in November or December 2024. Construction on the project is tentatively scheduled to start in March 2025. 


Project Contact: Elias Saikaly, Project Manager,323-563-9581