Maintenance Services

Graffiti Removal Program

The City of South Gate operates an aggressive graffiti removal program to remove graffiti from public right of way as quickly as possible to discourage further graffiti and to enhance community safety and values. The program is offered citywide at no cost to residents or business owners. Please call (323) 563-5793.

Trash Pickup & Illegal Dumping

Universal Waste Systems, Inc. is the waste hauler that services customers in the City of South Gate. In accordance with AB 2048 the Franchise Agreement can be found here(PDF, 25MB).  For more information click here.

For more information on Organics Recycling (SB1383) please click here


Trash/Bulky Item Pick Up: (800) 631-7016

Illegal Dumping Hotline: (323) 563- 9575

Street Lights & Traffic Signals: (323) 563-5773

Tree/Street/Pothole Repairs

 To view the street tree guidelines, please click on the link.


(323) 563-5785

Workers drilling a hole

Water Division

For information on utility service or payments, call (323) 563-9586.

To report a leak or request a repair, call (323) 563-5790.

Residents in the Hollydale area of South Gate are served by Golden State Water Company and must call (800) 999-4033.

The Water Division is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the city's water system and services over 16,500 connections to most of South Gate. The system includes:

Review the 2018 Consumer Water Confidence Report(PDF, 17MB)