Code Enforcement

Mission Statement of Code Enforcement

Maintain and preserve the integrity, appearance, value of properties and neighborhoods within the City. To develop successful and professional partnerships with residents and businesses to invoke pride and improve the quality of life in our neighborhood.

We need your help!

Cleaning up our city and neighborhood is everyone's responsibility. Both, property owners and tenants, are encouraged to consistently maintain their property and not let it deteriorate to a condition that is considered a nuisance in our neighborhood.

Common violations for code enforcement

Staff Directory

Name Title Email Phone  

Cardenas, Norma

Sr. Code Enforcement Officer Email (323)563-9556  Area 3&4 Mon-Thurs

Figueroa, Richard 

Community Development Tech   Email  (323)563-9520  Mon-Thurs

 Frank, Steven

Code Enforcement Officer Email
 (323)563-9516  Area 1 & 3 Mon-Thurs

 Plascencia, Johanna

Code Enforcement Officer Email  (323)563-9513  Area 2 & 4 Mon-Thurs
 Medina, Alex Hourly Code Enforcement Officer  Email  (323)357-5802

 Illegal Dumping

 7am to 12pm