South Gate Housing Authority

The South Gate Housing Authority’s (SGHA) mission is to provide safe, decent and sanitary housing conditions for very low-income families and to manage resources efficiently.


23-24-SG-CAPER-v.08.14.24.docx(DOCX, 187KB)

South-Gate-22-23-AAP-Sub-Amend-No-3-Notice_rev.pdf(PDF, 149KB)

South-Gate-FY-22-23-AAP-Substantial-Amend-No-3.pdf(PDF, 515KB)

CAPER.FY.-22-23.pdf(PDF, 463KB)

South-Gate-FY-22-23-CAPER-Notice.pdf(PDF, 124KB)

CDBG-CV_Substantial-Amendment_South-Gate-No.-6-REV.pdf(PDF, 415KB)

South-Gate-FY-22-23-AAP-Sub-Amend-No-2-REV.pdf(PDF, 544KB)

Streamlined Annual PHA Plan (HCV Only PHAs) 2024-25

South-Gate-FY-24-25-AAP.pdf(PDF, 1000KB)

2024-2025-Annual-Public-Hearing-Notice.pdf(PDF, 57KB)

SGHA-FY24-25-PHA-Plan-Draft.pdf(PDF, 205KB)


Public Counter Hours 

The Housing Division counter is open from 7:30am- 11:30am daily. To meet with a case worker, one must request an appointment.

Staff Directory 

Housing Manager

Carol Averell


phone: (323) 563-9535


Housing Authority: Section 8

Fabiola Salceda


(P): (323) 357-5825

Cassandra Hunter


(P): (323) 357-5826

Nioka Jackman


(P): (323) 563-9531

Kimberly Hernandez


(P): 323 563-5450

CDBG/ Home

Carol Averell


phone: (323) 563-9535















Frequently Asked Questions


Is the South Gate Housing Authority currently accepting applications?

The SGHA is not currently accepting applications.

Does the City of South Gate have rent control?

Yes, please click here to read AB 1482 regarding rent control.

Who do I contact if I am an owner and I am having issues with my tenant?

Contact the Fair Housing Foundation (800-446-3247).

Who do I contact if I am a tenant and I am having issues with my landlord?

Contact the Fair Housing Foundation (800-446-3247).

Do you know of any other Housing Authorities that are currently accepting applications?

Here is a link to all the Housing Agencies in California

Does the South Gate Housing Authority screen the family for suitable as renters?

The SGHA does not screen families for their suitability as renters. This is a responsibility of the property owner. However, the current address and name of landlord, as well as the previous address and the name of the previous landlord may be requested by the prospective landlord.

Can I use my own lease agreement?

Yes, an owner is required to use their own lease agreement. However, you must attach the tenancy addendum containing HUD proscriptions and federal provisions will also be required.

What are the conditions for unit approval?

A unit must pass a housing quality standard inspection and the rent must be reasonable. These two requirements are necessary for health and safety reasons and to make sure that rents families are paying are consistent with program rents. The unit inspection checklist and list commonly failed items can be viewed in our forms library.

What is the purpose of rent reasonableness?

The purpose is to ensure that rents are similar with unassigned rents in the community, and to make sure that Section 8 participants are not being charged more than non-participants.

How much of a security deposit can a property owner collect?

You must contact the Fair Housing Foundation (800-446-3247) to verify the amount.

How often will my rental unit be inspected?

Your rental unit will be inspected at least once a year. However, a supervisory inspection may be conducted in that same year per HUD regulations.

When can a property owner raise the rent?

The rent may be increased after the expiration of the initial lease term. However, a rent increase cannot be processed unless an advanced 60-day notice beginning the first of the month is provided to the tenant and the SGHA. Also, the increased rent must always be comparable to similar unassisted rents in the area.

What if the property is sold?

The owner must contact the South Gate Housing Agency prior to the sale of the property. The new owner must also contact the South Gate Housing Authority in order to fill out and submit documentation necessary to complete the change of ownership. If the new owners should decide not to rent to the current Section 8 participant they must provide a ninety day notice to the tenant and the SGHA but are still require to submit the proper paperwork in order to receive payment for those months.

What document between the owner and the Housing Authority is required?

A written contract provided by the Housing Authority is needed. This is a program requirement and the purpose of the contract is to legally provide housing assistance payments on behalf of an eligible family.

What is contract rent?

The contract rent is the total amount of rent that the Housing Authority authorizes as reasonable for a unit occupied by a family receiving assistance.

Does the City of South Gate have a first-time homebuyers program?

No, the City of South Gate does not currently have a first-time homebuyers program.